“Bommi & Friends” chronicles the adventures of Bommi, a young girl whose family has moved to a new town. Lonely, she constantly reads her favourite pop-up book, ‘Adventures In Dazzle Land’, and discovers the book can transport her into a wondrous place she thought only existed in fantasy. Through her exploration of Dazzle Land with her newfound friends, Bommi learns about friendship and community, and brings these skills and newfound confidence back into her real world life. Featuring cutting-edge 3D animation, vibrant sound and wonderfully scripted stories, “Bommi & Friends” is an entertaining and positive-affirming adventure series for children ages 2 to 6 everywhere
We found out today at work that "Bommie and Friends" has just signed a deal with KidsCo! The Property Bommie which has been in production with Image Venture in India, uses DoubleTake's voice directing, Storyboard and visual development! Back when I first started with DoubleTake, I was given the task to block each episode: Those same episodes will soon be expected to premiere in Canada, I believe.
Here's an article from the New Indian Express