Jul 28, 2010

Withering Rose: Notes

She is a bastard, conceived and born by incestuous adultery, and therefore incapable of the kingdom; Daughter of the whore Anne, the Bastard Queen is illegitimate, and an unjust usurper of the same;
-February, 1570, Pope Pius V


Just a jealous old Hag?

(A German visitor in 1598: "Her face is wrinkled. Her eyes are small and black. Her nose is a little hooked. Her lips are narrow, and her teeth are black (from too much sugar). She wears false red hair."

A French emissary in 1597: "She kept the front of her dress open, and one could see the whole of her bosom, and passing low, and often she would open the front of this robe with her hands as if she was too hot ... On her head she wore a garland of the same material and beneath it a great reddish-colored wig, with a great number of spangles of gold and silver ... Her bosom is somewhat wrinkled as well as one can see for the collar that she wears round her neck, but lower down her flesh is exceeding white and delicate ...")